With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, everybody at Juniper Capital would like to give a heartfelt thanks to all of the people with whom we do business. As a client of ours recently wrote to us, “I’ve heard the term ‘it takes a village.’ I understand that sometimes the village is necessary to accomplish some things in life. Each and every one of you had an important part in this process and I just wanted to say ‘thank you’ from the bottom of my heart.”
It truly does take a village. It takes camaraderie and hard work in this industry, from the ground to the top, and we couldn’t do it without the partnership and backing of our brokers, appraisers/real estate agents, escrow agents, title representatives/underwriters, attorneys, and borrowers. So, thank you for working and growing with us. Your relationship and trust are important to us.
We would also like to give thanks to our families and communities. We are very blessed by each and every one of you. Juniper Capital will be closed on November, 27 and 28 to spend time with our families and loved ones. We wish you and yours a very safe and Happy Thanksgiving.
Recently, we were at the NAIOP meeting at The Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI). Cliff Brewis, VP of Operations at Dodge Data and Analytics, presented his forecast of 2015 economic and construction assumptions, as well as an overview of the national economy and historical trends of major market sectors. His presentation was enlightening and MOHAI was an incredible venue. If you have children, or even if you don’t, I highly recommend making a trip to check it out. It’s pretty incredible. If you were not able to attend the meeting, the presentation is available here.
On December 2, we hope to see you at the Puget Sound Chapter RMA dinner featuring W. Bernard Mason, Regulatory Relations Liaison. We’ll see you there. Let’s shake up the holiday season!
Kerry Travers
Juniper Capital
Vice President of Marketing
P.S. Check out our new Case Study Video on our loans page.
Contact Kerry and Juniper Capital to learn more about our quality hard money loans in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. We strive to help you reach successful real estate investments.