It’s true, April showers bring May flowers. The Great Pacific Northwest is again flourishing with vibrant color and is amassed with green. It’s hard to beat the fun of my daughter’s Little League games in the spring sun, and then firing up the grill for an evening with friends as we root on our Mariners.
As a parent, there’s nothing more enjoyable than watching my daughter as she stands up to bat, fully intent on smacking that ball to kingdom come. Often times the intent is not what the end result actually is, because of one factor or another, but I coach her to maintain the drive to succeed and stay on track. Alternately, there are times when hearing the crack of the bat and seeing the smile on her face as she runs like the wind to first base, knowing she has no other care in the world other than to make that play, fills me with incomparable joy. It’s not the play I’m excited about, it’s her willingness to stay the course, make the adjustments and deliver.
Here at Juniper Capital we are committed to doing the very same for our customers and partners. Sometimes, a creative approach or adjustment is exactly what you need to succeed with your play. Whether it be a single, double, triple, or home run, our goal is to be committed to you and coach you to home plate! Whether it’s softball, real estate investing, or life in general– set your goals and keep your focus and make it happen. When it’s you up at bat, stand strong and confident, engage and connect and you WILL hit a home run!
Well, it’s time now to take off my journalist hat, don my ball cap, and head to the field to cheer on my daughter and her team… Go Sparks! And go Mariners!
And, if you want to know my vision for the upcoming summer economy: Rates will remain the same. Real estate prices will continue to climb, remaining a seller’s market, and the need for capital will only grow stronger. Capitalize on the here and now!
Kerry Travers
Juniper Capital
Vice President of Marketing
Contact Kerry and Juniper Capital to learn more about our quality private real estate loans in Seattle and across the Northwest. Our goal is to help you achieve success with your real estate investments.