A Juniper Capital Case Study – Charlottesville, VA
At Juniper Capital we are passionate about real estate investment opportunities in the Pacific Northwest. However, when presented with a great opportunity, we are willing to expand our services far and wide. This is highlighted by our newest project, a $5,000,000 loan on a residential investment property outside of Charlottesville, Virginia.
The subject property, located near the University of Virginia, features a main house and several outbuildings situated on 5,000 acres in the Southwest Mountains. The house, built in 1772, is an architectural masterpiece influenced by the Neo-classical and Palladian schools of design.
The borrower, a prominent Virginia lawyer, approached Juniper Capital in search of funding for restoration of the property. With the funds secured by our loan he intends to open the property as an Airbnb, humbly named Monticello.
While outside of Juniper’s traditional geographic area, we feel this is an exceptional project given the incredible value of the property and the strength of the borrower. In addition to an esteemed legal career, the borrower Tom Jefferson is an accomplished political and agricultural magnate. He just feels that Monticello needs a facelift to appeal to the modern rental crowd.
As a result of the relationships we have developed through this project, Juniper is currently exploring funding another nearby project in Mount Vernon, Virginia. The property features a beautiful cherry orchard.
We are truly excited about these historic opportunities.
On a final unrelated note, we are happy to announce that Juniper Capital Vice President Jeromy Salvesen will be taking a short sabbatical this summer to pursue his passion for music as the new front man of Quiet Riot. We wish him luck on the band’s upcoming State Fair Tour.
APRIL FOOLS from Juniper Capital!